Caring for your thermostat is just as important as caring for your heating system itself. In fact, your thermostat can have a significant impact on how effectively your heater can operate and how much you save or spend on energy costs.
You can keep reading to learn more about the settings to use on your thermostat in the winter season as well as some signs to watch for that can indicate your thermostat needs a little professional care. When you’re ready, give our team a call for your residential services like HVAC repair in Winter Park. Our team is here to help with all of your needs from maintenance to repairs and even caring for your thermostat.
Recommended Thermostat Settings
According to the US Department of Energy, your thermostat should be sent no higher than 68° for heating in the winter time. Here in Florida, we are very used to being warm. Our summers are sweltering and while our winters are not as cold as farther north, the humidity levels can make it seem colder than it really is.
This can leave you tempted to set your thermostat a little higher in an attempt to keep your home warmer. But we caution you against setting your thermostat too much higher than 68° when it is cold outside. The higher the temperature setting is, the harder your heater has to work to warm your home.
You may not think that it’s a big deal, but the extra wear and tear can add up and make your heater less effective. Plus, over a period of years, the strain can compound and lead to long-term problems that ultimately shorten the lifespan.
Costs of Higher Settings
Experts estimate that setting your thermostat a single degree higher will add around 3% to your energy costs. If your typical energy bill is $100, setting the thermostat to 71° instead of 68° will cost around $10 more per month. Setting it up to 74° for heating is around $20 more each month.
Depending on how cold it is outside, the costs could be even higher because your heater may struggle against the lowest temperatures of the year. Other costs include more frequent or more expensive repair needs or having to replace your heater sooner than what is considered average.
Signs of Thermostat Problems
If your heater is turning on and off every couple of minutes and never staying on for long enough to heat your home up, the thermostat may be to blame. It could be signaling for your heater to turn off early before a cycle is complete. The same thing is true if your heater is turning on and staying on for an extended period of time without ever cycling off for a break.
We can visit your home to troubleshoot your thermostat and solve the problem, whatever it may be. Examples of reasons for thermostat issues include:
- Low batteries that need to be replaced
- Dirt buildup inside that prevents accurate operation
- A misconnection between the thermostat and the heater, AC, or heat pump
- Calibration that is off and reading the temperature incorrectly
Call Facemyer Air Conditioning and Heating if you suspect thermostat problems in your home. Exceeding Your Expectations With Comfort!